Watermelon Mint Juice is the perfect thirst quencher for hot summer days. It only takes 2 ingredients! You will want to make this watermelon and mint drink all season long.
Pure watermelon juice and strong mint tea combine to make a refreshing, naturally sweet, blended drink. You could even add a touch of spearmint simple syrup.
Summer is such a wonderful season. All the sun and fun, BBQs, holidays, and outings. Easy recipes are key.
Have you ever tried a watermelon pizza for an easy dessert? How about grilled strawberries?
Drinks can be refreshing, tasty and nutritious without being full of sugar. Did you know you can make a no sugar added slushy?
RECIPE and INSTRUCTIONS for this easy, healthy, fresh blended watermelon drink can be found at the bottom of this post.
Watermelon is one of my favourite summer fruits. You can use it in so many ways. Just cut and eat, use it in salads, frozen treats, grilled, or used in drinks.
It is great when you can add nutrition into your day so easily. This juice is super healthy:
- it helps keep you hydrated
- contains vitamins
- fat and sodium-free
- low in calories
- contains antioxidants and amino acids
Did you know watermelon can be considered a fruit or a vegetable?
Blended Watermelon Juice With Mint Tea
You don’t have to worry about how to slice a watermelon. You only have to roughly chop it. Your blender will do all the work.
This refreshing summer drink is a combination of mint tea and fresh watermelon juice. No added sugar.
2 INGREDIENTS are all you need!
I just use my blender on the “liquify” cycle, put in pieces of watermelon, and in a few seconds, I have pure watermelon juice.
Pour it into a pitcher and keep it in the fridge. Ready to use whenever you like. I love drinking it when I need a quick burst of energy.
Since watermelon is mostly water, any blender will work. If there is too much pulp, you can always pour it through a strainer. Personally, I don’t mind the pulp. Added fiber works for me.
For the mint tea, you can use whatever kind you like. I happen to prefer a tea that is more spearmint than peppermint. You can get mint tea in bags, or loose tea. I LOVE loose tea. In fact, I am sort of a tea addict!
DAVIDsTEA is my FAVOURITE tea store. My tea cupboard at home is packed with little tins of deliciousness.
Have you tried lemon tea and blackberry popsicles? A fun and healthy treat for hot summer days. Matcha cupcakes are sweet, earthy, and super easy to make with the help of a cake mix. No baking from scratch is needed.
You can create your own blend using whatever mint tea you like. Just steep some tea (I like to use double the amount so the tea is nice and strong), let it cool, and add it to the crushed watermelon juice.
This summer drink recipe has a ratio of 1 part tea and 2 parts juice, but feel free to experiment and come up with your perfect combination.
Types of Watermelon
You might be surprised to find out that there are 200-300 different kinds of watermelon around the world!
- seeded
- seedless
- picnic
- mini
- yellow
- orange
As part of the gourd family or Cucurbitaceae, cousins to the watermelon are:
- cucumbers
- pumpkins
- squash
- cantaloupes
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Blended Watermelon Juice
- 1 cup strong brewed mint tea cooled
- 2 cups watermelon juice
- Ice
- Garnish (optional)
- Brew and steep tea (be sure to create a strong brew by using double the required amount of tea per serving).
- Place chunks of watermelon into a blender.
- Blend until it turns into juice. Place in a pitcher.
- Combine 1 part strong mint tea and 2 parts watermelon juice into a pitcher. Add ice and serve. Garnish is optional.
I used fresh mint leaves, delish! Good with a little seltzer too. Thanks!
Gloria Duggan | Homemade & Yummy
Such a refreshing drink for a hot summer day.